Viewing Partner users records
To view Partner user records, firstly login to EANR:
Click on ‘Records’ on the left-hand navigation bar:
Click on ‘Partner Users’:
Click on ‘View’ to view the Partner user record:
The user’s details will open:
Please note: ‘Cognito User Status – this is the database that we authenticate users against. Sometimes when a person leaves, we don't deactivate their account in EANR and so they are deactivated in Cognito to remove their access. Clicking on this link will show if the user has been deactivated in Cognito or has an active login.
You can close the record by clicking again on ‘View’.
Downloading Partner user records
To download the Partner user record, click on ‘Download this information’:
The Partner user data in your table will download to an Excel spreadsheet.