To record and monitor Teacher Encounters, firstly log-in to EANR:
Click on ‘Records’ on the left-hand navigation bar:
Click on ‘Employers’:
You will see a list of Employers. Find the relevant Employer that is being used to attach the Teacher Encounter (If you have multiple Employers, you need to decide on one Employer to be the ‘host’ for your Encounter).
From here select 'Edit' on the right-hand side of the record:
Scroll down until you reach the ‘Encounter’ field. An Encounter will have been generated for you at this point assuming either the relevant Employer or Enterprise Adviser has been through the registration process on the website. Click ‘Edit the Encounter’ to add further details:
Once the Encounter is open you can scroll through the form and enter all the known details at this point, making sure to keep this as up-to-date as possible.
Please note:
- As soon as any information is added, the Encounter will enter ‘In Progress’, essentially making it a live Encounter to be tracked.
- It is important to add a title to your Encounter. Make sure you use clear and concise descriptions in the “Name of Encounter” field as this will make it easier for you to search for Encounters later.
- Once the delivery of the Encounter has been set to complete, then all other fields become mandatory. For this reason, we recommend not setting ‘Encounter progress’ to complete until all information is known. Once you add the completed date this will trigger the national post-Encounter evaluations to be sent.
- When adding teachers, there will be a small section to tick to ensure the teacher has properly completed GDPR. For security reasons, this must remain toggled off until you have received confirmation from CEC that the teacher registration and privacy notice has been completed. You will have received this information in an automated email once the teacher has registered. Input their ‘Teacher Name’, ‘Contact Email’ and URN of their school, then it must be toggled on. All teachers that register automatically agree to their contact details being held. To look up the URN you can begin to type the name of the school and options will be available for you to choose.
- Should you receive any local notifications that teachers wish to remove their data you can move the field to ‘toggle off’.
Multiple teachers over multiple Institutions can be added by using the following method: click on ‘Add Additional Teacher’, and you will be able to add as many teachers from as many unique institutions as required:
Adding multiple Employers to an Encounter
If the encounter has multiple employers involved, you will need to go to each employer individually, and edit that you are going to edit. Scroll to the bottom of the employer edit page and search for the title of the encounter you wish to add the employer too.
Completing an Encounter
Ensure a completion date is entered in the main host Encounter, this will trigger a workflow to record which teachers completed the Encounter and will hence receive the post-Encounter evaluation survey. If you have multiple Employers registered for your Encounter, navigate back to find these Employers and set their Encounter to “Completed - Not Host Employer” so they still receive their surveys:
Centrally Managed Encounters
Please note : Network Ops users can record an encounter as centrally managed. When they do, the encounter becomes un-editable by the Hub but is still viewable. It will only be editable by Network Ops.
Running reports and Monitoring
You can monitor your Encounters by running the Teacher Encounter report.
You can use the ‘Encounter Progress’ filter and subsequent sub-filters to report on the progress and completion of your Encounters.
To download the report, click on ‘Download this information’ on the Employers records screen:
The report will show three tabs at the bottom of the Excel sheet: click the third tab 'Encounters' to see all of the teacher Encounter data.
You can use this report to:
Ensure that Employers and Enterprise Advisers that register are followed up and move from pending to in progress
Ensure that teachers complete the registration survey and are added to the correct Teacher Encounter
Ensure that all Employers (the host and the additional employers) are marked as completed in order that they receive the post-Encounter survey
See which Employers and teachers have completed your post-Encounter surveys and those that might need chasing.