This guidance illustrates how to view, edit, search, filter and download Compass Progress Reports.
Firstly login to EANR:
Click on ‘Records’ from the left-hand navigation bar.
Viewing Employer Records
Click on ‘Employers’.
You will see a list of all Employers that have been added to EANR. Please note: Employers can only be added by Sub-contractor and Partner users. The ability for Enterprise Co-Ordinators to be able to add and edit Employer records will be added soon. Click ‘View’ to view Employer record (to minimise the record, click ‘View’ again).
Click ‘View’ to view Employer record (to minimise the record, click ‘View’ again).
The record will open to show the Employer’s full details:
Editing Employer Records
Click ‘Edit’ to edit an Employer record.
The record will open in a pop-window.
You have a limited amount of information relating to Teacher Encounters that you can edit on the record.
To save the edited Employer record, click on ‘Edit Employer’ at the bottom of the form:
Searching and filtering Employer records
Click on ‘Employers’.
You will see a list of Employers that have been added as part of the Enterprise Adviser network records.
Please note: Employers can only be added by Partner users and Sub-contractors. Both these user types can also view and edit Employer records. The ability for Enterprise Co-Ordinators to be able to directly create and edit Employer records will come in the future.
Use the ‘Filter’ options to filter by Encounter Progress or Cornerstone Status:
You can also search for an Employer by typing their company name into the search box.
Downloading Employer records
Click on ‘Employers’.
You will see a list of all Employers that have been added to EANR. Please note: Employers can only be added by Sub-contractor and Partner users and to a limited extent by Network Operations users. The ability of Enterprise Co-Ordinators to edit Employer records will be added later.
Click on ‘Download this information’ to download the Employer data to an Excel spreadsheet: