This guidance illustrates how to view, edit, search, filter, and download Institution records.
Firstly login to EANR:
Click on ‘Records’ on the left-hand navigation bar.
Viewing institution records
Click on ‘Institutions’. You will see a list of Institutions that have been assigned to you.
Click ‘View’ to view the Institution record.
The record will appear below. To minimise the record, click ‘View’ again:
Editing institution records
Click ‘Edit’ to edit the Institution record.
A pop-up window will appear. From here you can edit the following fields of an Institution record:
- Enterprise Co-Ordinators responsible
- Headteacher email address
- Provider Access Statement available on Institution website
- Date Memorandum of Understanding received
- Whether the institution declined to join the network
- Date institution was offered opportunity to join the network
- Whether the institution declined the offer of an Enterprise Adviser
- Activation status.
Please note: Where schools have previously left the Network, Partner Users are able to click the “rejoin” button and input a new join date for the school.
Recording a site visit to the Institution
A Partner can record the site visit of an Enterprise Co-Ordinator to an Institution. To add a site visit, click on ‘Add Institution visit’.
Click ‘Edit this visit’ and input the relevant information.
Please note that there are four Types of visit and you can select more than one:
- Headteacher
- Senior Leadership
- Careers Leader
- Governor.
To minimise the visit entry, click ‘Edit this visit’ again.
If the Institution has multiple sites
Previously, Sub-Contractors cannot haves sites assigned to them. A system update has now allowed Partner Users (formerly LEP users) to assign sites to Sub-Contractor delivery partners.
To add an additional site to an Institution record, click ‘Add an additional site’.
Click ‘Edit this optional site’:
Enter the name of the site, ensure this is spelt correctly as site names are used in Compass+ to record learner destinations.
Click ‘Add a Careers Lead’ and enter the relevant information.
Please note: greyed-out boxes are system generated and cannot be edited by a Partner user. Please submit a support request any of the information here is incorrect:
Click ‘Edit this optional site’ again to minimise this information.
Please note: If there is an extra site added by mistake, in order for Help Desk to remove it, the Partner User will have to first input Careers Leaders details in the main site. Once this is done, users can then submit a support request to remove the extra site.
Making institution sites Sub-Contractor specific
If a Partner user doesn’t assign an institution record to a Sub-Contractor, the SC and EC will no longer be able to see it.
Instructions for Partner users to assign sites to a Sub-Contractor:
- Log in to EANR –
- Click on ‘Records’ on the left-hand navigation bar
- Click on ‘Institutions’
- Use the search function to find the institution record you want to edit. You can search by institution name or URN
- Click ‘edit’ in the Actions column
- The institution record will appear on screen, scroll down the institution record to the site section
- Assign the relevant site to the Sub-Contractor
Adding additional Careers Leaders to a site
To add an additional Careers Leader to a site, click on ‘Add additional Careers Leader’ within the site record:
Add the Careers Leader’s details. Click on ‘Edit this Careers Leader’ to minimise this information or click the white dustbin to delete the Careers Leader.
Use the ‘Notes’ section to enter any relevant information about the Institution.
Click ‘Edit record’ to save your changes.
Searching and filtering Institution records
Click on ‘Institutions’.
You will see a list of Institutions. Click on the ‘Filter’ option to apply filters to your Institution records.
A dropdown list of filters will appear. You can apply more than one filter at the same time (clicking on the same filter again switches it off). The following filters generate secondary filters:
- Managed by = Sub-filter by Co-Ordinators
- Hub = Sub-filter by Wave
- Opportunity Area = Sub-filter by Opportunity Area (Check with your Hub Lead if you are unsure about Institutions in Opportunity Areas)
- CEC Institution type = Sub-filter by AP, Mainstream, FE, SEND or Other
- Multi Academy Trusts = Sub-filter by MAT;
To clear all filters, select ‘All'.
You can search for an Institution by typing the Institution name into the search bar.
Downloading Institution records
Click on ‘Institutions’. You will see a list of Institutions assigned to you.
If you click ‘Download this information’, without applying any filters, you will download information for all Institutions into an Excel file.
If you click ‘Download careers leaders’ now, without applying any filters, you will download information for all Careers Leaders, from all Institutions, into an Excel file.
You can download information about specific Institutions by searching and/or filtering Institution records.
Click ‘PDF’ to download a report in PDF format that includes data about the Institution and Gatsby Benchmark scores for their last whole Institution Compass survey. Please note: this feature is only available for Institutions in the network.
The PDF report features:
- Summary report: overview of the Institution’s data, including summary of Gatsby Benchmark scores.
- Detailed report: this included all sub-Benchmark question scores.
Please note: If the Institution has not yet submitted a whole Compass survey this data won't be included in the report.