This is guidance illustrates how to add an Enterprise Advisor record and how to Match them to an institution record.
Firstly login to EANR:
Adding an Enterprise Advisor Record
Click on ‘Records’ on the left-hand navigation bar.
Click on ‘Add an Enterprise Adviser’.
A pop-up window will open. Complete the form (note that a greyed-out box means that information cannot be edited):
When adding a new Enterprise Adviser, the following fields are mandatory (asterisked*)
- Title
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Date signed-up
Has the Enterprise Adviser received induction training?
- This will open a further field where you are required to enter the Enterprise Adviser’s training date if they have received training.
DBS checked status
- This will open a further field where you are required to enter the date of the DBS check if they have one.
- Highest qualification held
- How did they hear about The Careers and Enterprise Company
Employment status
- If employed this will open further fields where you are required to enter further details about the Employer where an Enterprise Adviser is employed.
- Start typing the Enterprise Adviser’s Employer into the ‘New Employer’ field: if it doesn’t come up, please see Using Companies House to add Employers on EANR.
- If you select the wrong Employer by mistake, you will need to submit a support request.
- Employer sector.
Please note:
- Expression of Interest number: there is a form on the CEC website this is completed when people volunteer to become Enterprise Advisers. When this form is completed, it triggers an email that goes to the Partner, and this email contains the EOI number. CEC is able to monitor the number of Enterprise Advisers that are recruited via the website form.
- Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes that classify occupational information for the UK. Select the most appropriate category.
- The ‘Notes’ section can be used to record any relevant information about the Enterprise Adviser.
Once you have completed the form with the new Enterprise Adviser’s details, click on ‘Add Record’:
Matching Enterprise Advisers to Institutions
Click on ‘Records’ on the left-hand navigation bar
Click on 'Enterprise Advisers’
Edit the Enterprise Adviser’s record. In an Enterprise Adviser has been matched to an Institution, click on ‘Yes’ in the ‘Has the Enterprise Adviser been matched to an Institution’ field. Enter the URN of an Institution: to find this, search on the Get Information about Schools service or check the Institution table:
Please note:
- To add an additional Institution, click ‘Add an additional institution’ if an Enterprise Adviser is matched to more than one Institution.
- Click on the red trashcan symbol to remove.
- A greyed-out box means that information cannot be edited.
- The Institution has to be part of the network to be matched.
- The date matched has to be after the date the Enterprise Adviser and the Institution each joined the network.
- The Enterprise Adviser and the Institution have to have an Enterprise Co-Ordinator in common for the Enterprise Adviser to be matched to the Institution.
Unmatching Enterprise Advisers
To unmatch an Enterprise Adviser from an Institution, enter a left date in the ‘Date Enterprise Adviser left school’ field on the Enterprise Adviser record:
The Enterprise Adviser will be unmatched from the Institution. To save your changes, click ‘Edit Record’